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Currently:67.6°F Sunny, Dry
Sunny, Dry
Comfort Index: ---
 Updated02-Dec-2024 10:35am @ 
Time of Next Full Update: 10:40 am -  Station Elev: 1469 ft  
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Current Conditions

@ 02-Dec-2024 10:35am
67.6°F Warmer 6.7°F than last hour.
Temp Change: °F /hr
Sunny, Dry  Sunny, Dry
Feels Like: 68 °F
Humidity: 29%Decreased 4% since last hour.
Dew Point: 34.2 °FIncreased 2.7°F since last hour.
Wind: Calm

Gust: 0.0 mph
Pressure: 30.13 in Falling 0.01 inHg/hour
Solar Rad: 100%
471 W/m2
UV Index: 1.2
Rain Today: 0.00 in
Rain Rate: 0.000 in
Rain Month: 0.00 in
Rain Year: 8.14 in


Sunrise: 7:15 am
Sunset: 5:19 pm
Moonrise: 8:49 am
Moonset: 5:24 pm
New Moon
New Moon, Moon age: 1 days,2 hours,49 minutes,2%

Daily Min/Max

Today's High Temp: 67.6°F
Today's Low Temp: 48.7°F
Today's High Humidity: 42%
Today's Low Humidity: 28%
Today's High Dewpoint: 34.2°F
Today's Low Dewpoint: 26.4°F
Today's High Barometric Pressure: 30.146 in/Hg
Today's Low Barometric Pressure: 30.058 in/Hg
Today's High Wind Speed: 0.0 mph
High UV:
High Solar:
471 W/m2
Today's High Rain Rate: 0.000 in/min
Today's High
Hourly Rain Rate:
0.000 in/hr
Days Since
Last Rain:
28 Days

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lightning stike


lightning stike

National Lightning Maps

North America real-time - from the Microferics Network

Microsferics Lightning Detection Network, MicroLDN, is a low cost, high accuracy experimental lightning detection network
It is GPS disciplined to accurately time stamp received signals accurate to within microseconds . It is compatible with the
Boltek range of lightning detectors, making them capable of networked lightning locating using the signal Arrival Time
Difference method to triangulate the strikes position. There is also stand-alone detector version for use within the network.

North America near real-time - Vaisala Lightning Explorer

00-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120
Minutes from current image timestamp

Vaisala Lightning Explorer displays recent lightning activity across the entire continental U.S. The lightning data displayed is
20 minutes delayed and updated every 20 minutes. The map shows a 2-hour time period with lightning data color coded
in 20-minute increments. Lightning Data from the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network

Vaisala Lightning Explorer uses lightning data from Vaisala's U.S. NLDN, the most reliable lightning detection system
in the U.S. The U.S. NLDN constantly detects lightning discharges anywhere in the continental U.S.
Each symbol on the map represents one recorded lightning event.

North America real-time - Blitzortung Network

This Lightning Map Courtesy of hobbyist lightning detection network.
Data supplied by Blitzortung network members using their home-built Blitzortung hardware.

Southwest Regional Lightning Maps

Microferics TOA Lightning Display

Microsferics TOA Lightning Network

The TOdA (Time Of difference of Arrival) system is a network based lightning triangulation method
by employing multiple volunteer detection sites across Europe and North America. It provides high accuracy
detection which augments the participating stations existing lightning detection systems.

SW Lightning - Pepper Ridge North Valley is part of this project and supplies data to the TOdA network

Regional mLDN TOA Network 2 hr Lightning Plot
- updates automatically every 30 seconds -
(The Default setting Displays data within 438 miles of - Pepperridge North Valley) :

Network Stations are shown by the small Green dots
Use the Zoom Controls to see different distance plots

6 Hr Lightning time lapse: (Updates every 5 minutes)

Hover over for controls (near the center bottom of map) to manually control the Time lapse.
Otherwise it Runs Automatically (see lower right corner of map).

The Regional Lightning Network Coverage Map:

Network Stations are shown by the small White dots

coverage map

The Local Lightning Network Coverage Map:

Network Stations are shown by the small White dots

Visit the Microsferics Home Page for more real-time maps and information on the network.

Note: Until there are more stations are reporting in Arizona and the Southwest Region strike display is limited.
Own a PWS in the US (especially AZ)? please Contact the Network if interested in joining.
NOTE: Operating a Boltek Lightning Detection System is no longer required to participate.

Disclaimer Note: Remember do not based your outdoor plans or activities solely on the lightning information provided here, this lightning display is for informational purposes only, and not intended to be used, for the protection of life or property. Remember to follow the, Lightning Safety Rules!, especially if thunderstorms are nearby!

Additional Live Lightning Links:

Aninoquisi Lightning Detector Map

Lightning Explorer Free Page

Pepper Ridge North Valley - Southwest Lightning

National & Regional Lightning MapsNew Feature

Microsferics Real-Time Lightning - North America

Microsferics Real-Time Lightning - Regional New Feature

Weather Bus Lightning Gold Canyon, Az

Nexstorm Testing Page

Please Stay Safe this Summer and Observe the following;
Lightning Safety Rules!

Scientific Radar View
Ground Clutter Not Removed!

Radar Updates Approximately Every 10 Minutes
Station Location is marked CW3794

Southwestern Weather Network - Radar and Lightning!

This map displays a view of lightning data and radar - Over the entire Southwestern United States!

   SWN Lightning/Radar

Regional Lightning data/Radar Map Courtesy of Astrogenic and StrikeStar US.
Data supplied by Southwestern Weather Network members and others.

Member of the:

World Weather Websites

 Pepper Ridge North Valley Random Weather Facts

Terms such as "slight chance" of rain (10-20%), "chance" of rain (30-50%) or rain "likely" (60-70%) are used when there is uncertainty of receiving measurable precipitation anywhere in the forecast area (such as the Greater Phoenix Area). For instance, if there is only a 30-50 percent chance that rain will fall anywhere in the Phoenix Metro area, then the forecast will call for a "chance" of rain.

Get the Facts PHP

Page layout last updated on Feb 1st, 2010