02-Dec-2024 9:45am @
The station is located Lat: 33° 39´ 11´´ N |
Time of Next Full Update: 9:50 am - Station Elev: 1469 ft |
Weather Links: |
New Feature |
Current Conditions
@ 02-Dec-2024 9:45am | |
61.8°F | |
Temp Change: | °F /hr |
Sunny, Dry | |
Feels Like: | 62 °F |
Humidity: | 32% |
Dew Point: | 31.6 °F |
Wind: | Calm --- mph |
Gust: | 0.0 mph |
Pressure: | 30.14 in Steady |
Solar Rad: | 100% 373 W/m2 |
UV Index: | 0.8 Low |
Rain Today: | 0.00 in |
Rain Rate: | 0.000 in |
Rain Month: | 0.00 in |
Rain Year: | 8.14 in |
Sunrise: | 7:15 am | |||
Sunset: | 5:19 pm | |||
Moonrise: | 8:49 am | |||
Moonset: | 5:24 pm | |||
Daily Min/Max
Today's High Temp: | 61.8°F 9:44am |
Today's Low Temp: | 48.7°F 6:32am |
Today's High Humidity: | 42% 5:39am |
Today's Low Humidity: | 32% 9:24am |
Today's High Dewpoint: | 31.9°F 9:39am |
Today's Low Dewpoint: | 26.4°F 5:38am |
Today's High Barometric Pressure: | 30.145 in/Hg 9:40am |
Today's Low Barometric Pressure: | 30.058 in/Hg 1:15am |
Today's High Wind Speed: | 0.0 mph 1:53pm |
Today's High UV: |
0.8 Low 9:34am |
Today's High Solar: |
373 W/m2 9:44am |
Today's High Rain Rate: | 0.000 in/min 5:00pm |
Today's High Hourly Rain Rate: |
0.000 in/hr |
Days Since Last Rain: |
28 Days |
Current NWS Alerts:
For more information |
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Note: Until there are more stations are reporting in Arizona and the Southwest Region strike display is limited.
Disclaimer Note: Remember do not based your outdoor plans or activities solely on the lightning information provided here, this lightning display is for informational purposes only, and not intended to be used, for the protection of life or property. Remember to follow the, Lightning Safety Rules!, especially if thunderstorms are nearby! |
Additional Live Lightning Links: | |
Aninoquisi Lightning Detector Map |
Microsferics Real-Time Lightning - North America Microsferics Real-Time Lightning - Regional |
Please Stay Safe this Summer and Observe the following;
| |
Southwestern Weather Network - Radar and Lightning!This map displays a view of lightning data and radar - Over the entire Southwestern United States!Regional Lightning data/Radar Map Courtesy of Astrogenic
and StrikeStar US. |
Page layout last updated on August 18th, 2019